It’s baaaaaack

Actually it never left. Four work people were out today. I won’t mention any names, not that y’all would know these folks anyway. If I get it right, one person reportedly had a positive covid test. A second attended the daily standup this morning. They sounded AWFUL and said they felt terrible. I think they were headed for a home test and took the rest of the day off. The other two I am not sure about.

Even though I am still covid cautious I braved a Big Fat Greek Wedding over the weekend (I hugged people) plus a [lovely] brunch at a restaurant the next morning. It is now four days since the wedding and three days since the brunch (which was our nuclear fam plus SOs). I am symptom free. I mean I have coughed and blown my nose a few times but those incidents are just a normal part of being an animal. So knock on wood. I didn’t notice anyone with cold-like symptoms at the wedding but viruses DO spread from asymptomatic people. That’s probably one of the sneakiest methods they use to perpetuate themselves.

I know others are oot and aboot left and right. I have become okay with that. I don’t want to get covid again but I know I can’t live in fear of it forever and I actually don’t fear it any more. As the virus evolves, it seems to get less and less virulent. And that’s what viruses do. If they are killing their hosts, they aren’t able to reproduce and evolve. I am not an expert but I remember hearing this in science classes and from one of my uncles who was a doc who undoubtedly tended polio patients among others.

We all have to make our own choices. I am still wearing masks in indoor spaces like stores. I am still going to stores as early in the morning as possible although that is mostly because the traffic is non-existent. But. I don’t wear masks to restaurants because what’s the point so I guess I’m a bit schizo? But I don’t go to restaurants OFTEN and I’m careful (usually) about where and when I go. Like I will not go to the Oscar Tango the night before the Michigan-Ohio State game because it’ll be slammed.

We are going on four years with this crapola. I think “science” is making some inroads into understanding this virus but it feels like there’s a lot more to learn about it. My hat is off to those who are seriously studying it, not just speculating about shining lights up people’s assholes. Or whatever The Orange Baboon said. I didn’t really understand what he said when I watched the original clip but I bet it is google-able.

2 Responses to “It’s baaaaaack”

  1. Pam J. Says:

    I’m in the midst of the worst head cold I’ve had in years, maybe decades. Much worse than the CoVid I had in January. MUCH worse. Tough way to lose 5 pounds but I’ll take it.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Although it didn’t hit me hard, I don’t want it again. I still do pick up for groceries and stay away from people although I haven’t been masking diligently like I used to. I don’t think we know enough about the long term effects of many bouts of Covid so I do worry about that, especially for my daycare grandsons.