Go Ohio! (Don’t read this if you don’t wanna hear about choice stuff)

Even though I am anything but a sports fan, when the home team plays OSU, I do NOT root for Ohio.

But I was rooting for Ohio this week. You know why, right? I know not everyone is as avid about pro-choice as I am and plenty disagree with me. But it is clear that a majority of Americans disagree with the draconian abortion restrictions being forced on women and their families in the name of “god” or whatever.

To put straight a few things that I think and don’t think. I do NOT think women should be able to nonchalantly abort a healthy fetus in a late stage of pregnancy. I DO think that the vast majority of women in later stages of pregnancy WANT their babies very much, even if they were earlier conflicted.

When the Orange Baboon speechifies about women killing their babies after birth — and he has and you can probably find a clip on the intertubes — he is unhinged. What was it he said about how they wrap their babies up in nice cozy blankets and wait for them to die? Well. That DOES happen. But when it does, it is because the baby has a lethal issue that is incompatible with life, not because the woman doesn’t want the baby. She has chosen to carry a non-viable fetus to term knowing it is going to die within hours and is providing comfort to the baby she loves and wishes could live.

Oh yeah, there are probably a few lunatics out there who kill their full-term babies. That is a different thing and those women are criminals. But then there are terrified young teenagers who I don’t believe are criminals. “Am I really pregnant? My dad will kill me. Maybe it’ll just go away.” No teenage *child* should have to go through that and we (all of us) must treat people more humanely in those situations than we currently do.

I wish we had more compassion for women who make these excruciatingly difficult choices. Not everyone has the support it can require to birth and raise a baby and adoption is wonderful but it isn’t for everyone.

Apparently a whole lot of people agree with me.

Fun “fact” to end on. Waaaaay back in the day (pre-kids), the GG and I were traveling south through O-hiiii-o in one of our Ford Fiestas. A big I dunno Lincoln or Caddy-lac passed us. The two “old” guys in it were obviously having a great time and honked and waved at us. Bo Schembechler and Woody Hayes? We thought so. 15 seconds of fame? Assuming we had correctly identified them 🤣

One Response to “Go Ohio! (Don’t read this if you don’t wanna hear about choice stuff)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I agree with you on all counts! It’s weird though since on this coast OSU is Oregon State. 🙂