Railroad ties?

So my immediate problem will be solved tomorrow if all goes as planned. Getting through the byzantine support system to file a ticket can be challenging especially if you can’t use your laptop. Once I got connected with a person? Smooth sailing. That is all I will say. Well, except that we had arranged to communicate some important information through my personal email. I had totally forgotten that when I send email from my phone, it comes from “kayak woman”. My support person was initially thinking it might be spam! Embarrassed? Me? Yesiree 😵‍💫 We both had a good laugh.

The GG? He was busy busy busy ALL DAY. Raking, blowing, and mulching leaves with the mower mostly. At the end of the day he was digging around in the buckthorn area and making a lot of noise doing it. With hand tools. Metallic pounding noises mostly. The result of that was the long metal pole in the pic, which he dug out of the ground. A little bit of it was apparently sticking out and the lawnmower found it.

Apparently it has something to do with the RAILROAD TIES that surrounded the “garden” when we bought the Landfill, more years ago than I am strong enough to count. The problem? I do NOT remember any railroad ties… Anyway, there may be more of these poles. I suggested a metal detector might be a safer method for finding them than a lawnmower.

Actually, the mower is fine. The GG is a champion at fixing things like that. Once upon a time, a single mother down the street borrowed our mower. When she returned it, she was embarrassed because she thought she had broken it. The GG’s response was something like, “You probably sheared a pin. I do that all the time.” I don’t really know what “shearing a pin” means or if that was the actual problem. Whatever it was, he fixed it.

One Response to “Railroad ties?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m scared to run over tree roots with my mower but they’re getting worse and worse. Kayak Woman would be confusing to anyone who didn’t know you or your blog. And like spam!