Multi-tasking with coffee and puzzle buddies

Today’s coffee buddy was not MMCB, it was the UU, the “other” half of the Twinz of Terror (not to be confused with the Unitarian Universalist church). The puzz buddies were the usual culprits, my beach urchins, and they were undoubtedly drinking coffee too.

The UU and I had a lively discussion mainly about AI. I won’t speak for the UU but I am skeptical about AI and I think we are largely on the same page. Note that I am in NO WAY an expert in AI or even well-versed. “AI” to me is a label that is not clearly defined and like so many other things, I feel like people bandy it about without having a clue what they’re talking about. Facts and data, folks.

Besides the puzzles, today’s text thread with the urchins had an extra topic, which was how to dress mooma duck for an upcoming “formal” wedding. All I will say is we are making progress.

Whatever, although one of my main mantras is “stay outta the fray”, this little fray was pretty fun. Talking to a person in real life and two others by text. Three different topics. A nice change after 10 days or so of solitary mornings, although I enjoy those too. Of course we have the puzz-buzz going on every morning. Xword, Spelling Bee, Wordle, and now we’ve added Connections, which scares me to death!

It was 81 last I looked at the kitchen indoor/outdoor thermometer. The one in the bathroom *lies* because the sensor gets the morning sun. Sometimes in the dead of winter it can read 60-something degrees if Mr. Golden Sun deigns to grace us with his presence. Anyway today I am basking in my back yard after my workday. The sun is on the west side of the house so it’s shady and cool back here and very pleasant except for some moe-skee-toes but they are few and far between.

That fuzzy stuff in the pic? I *think* it’s a spiderweb of some sort. We had a foggy morning over the weekend and these appeared overnight.

2 Responses to “Multi-tasking with coffee and puzzle buddies”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m not good at Connections although I do love Octordle and WhereTaken USA and World. The potential for what AI can control scares me.

  2. Pam J. Says:

    Funnel spider web! I love them. Each one has a neat funnel near the middle. My yard is full of them in the warmer months.