Where are we here? This is our “parking lot”. Between the moomincabin and the Old Cabin. No pavement anywhere around here, just sand covered with pine needles.

The beach urchin who is with us this weekend suggested I move Cygnus from right in front of the moomincabin to behind the garage. So we could be looking at the Old Cabin, not Cygnus. Cygnus is beautiful but as much as I love her, it really is nice to not have to look at a car outside in this particular place. So I moved her.

There was a lot of talk yesterday about what to do today. In the end, the GG did a lot of stuff but lizard breath and I did next to nothing. The GG was working on the motor bote and some sort of mower for the North Country Trail. It was COLD for a long time this morning (30s to start with) and I was sorta sluggish except for doing dishioshios and stuff. At the end of the day I was wishing we had gone out for lunch to Pickles or somewhere. Pickles does have outside seating and we wouldda been okay COVID-wise.

The radio was annoying today. I normally like to have NPR rolling in the background. But. I have great respect for Tina Turner although her music was not my fave (I can tell she was talented just not my style). But I am taaarred of hearing about her. And then there is the whole damn debt ceiling thing. Do yer damn jobs and kick Marj out while you’re at it. What are y’all gonna do when your social security recipient constituents (etc.) flood your offices with calls about why they aren’t getting the money they’ve paid into their entire working lives. Get with it.

The radio was annoying until I turned it on in the afternoon and there was a show about talking aminals. I mean dogs and cats. My brother’s dog Sam was kind of a talking dog. His “parents” taught him how to say a number of different things. the only one I remember right now was grandma. Grrrma. I’m not sure what I really think about this but maybe my brother was ahead of the game. Apparently people are teaching cats to “paw” iPad icons that can convey English words to their owners. One cat apparently paws the icon for “mad” frequently. I dunno.

One Response to “”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I watched a show about cats and they do communicate–but in cat-like ways. (unless they’re trained of course) I’m sure Mari would paw the “mad” icon too frequently. Or perhaps the “leave me alone” one.