Web Design Skills

This seems like a long list and it is but I’m not bragging. I love doing every single last bit of this stuff, even when I’m tearing my hair out trying to code a layout that works across all of the browsers (including IE). I’ve worked *very* hard on this stuff and I do *not* know it all. I still have a *lot* to learn. But that’s life and here’s the list:

  • Web tools and technologies:
    • xhtml (extensible hypertext markup language): basic language for building web pages
    • css (cascading style sheets): styles and/or positions web page content
    • javascript: scripting language that adds interactivity and functionality to web pages
    • DOM (document object module): the logical structure of an xhtml document — can be manipulated by javascript and other scripting languages
    • MySQL database language
    • Coldfusion: web application development software
    • php: don’t know it yet but it’s on my list
    • WordPress: blogging software
    • CMS Made Simple: content management system
  • Imaging and other applications:
    • PhotoShop
    • Flash: learning fast
    • Illustrator: can hack around and do decent wireframes, etc.
    • Audio and video processing: learning Garageband and can hack around in iMovie
  • Concepts and methodologies:
    • Project management: small-scale
    • Web site requirements analysis, information architecture, wireframes, user personas
    • Usability/accessibility-related deliverables: user test report, usability inspection, task analysis, style guide, accessibility inspection
  • Office applications — yes, these are important too, I use them all the time:
    • Microsoft Word
    • Microsoft Excel (er, actually, I’ve been an Excel user since it was called Visicalc ;-))
    • Microsoft Powerpoint