Sugar Islander
I lived in Sault Ste. Siberia my entire childhood and have had vacation property in the area my whole life. Our family has owned that property for 100 years now.
I think I have been to Sugar Island maybe four times? For whatever reason my parents never wanted to drive over there. The GG and I went exploring over there today. We drove most of the island and its wildly varied terrain, even taking dead end gravel roads to see where they ended up, which was usually on somebody’s private road. We also walked in two nature preserves.
The nature preserve I show here is UMich’s Chase S. Osborn Preserve. Chase was the only Michigan governor from the yooperland and my family knew some of the Osborns. This land was donated to UMich and it is supposedly used as a learning center of some sort but we could see little evidence that it gets much use.
We had a mini-adventure involving the ferry. It is a small ferry and crosses a narrow stretch of the St. Marys River so it only takes a few minutes to get across. Basically it goes back and forth with no published schedule. On the way back to the mainland, we pulled up to wait to board the ferry and were second in line. We soon heard the horn announcing the ferry’s departure from the mainland and it showed up quickly. It dispersed only about three vee-hickles, which I thought was a little weird. Instead of motioning the driver ahead of us to board, the crew motioned to the lane NEXT to us and an AMBULANCE pulled past us and on to the ferry, which took off IMMEDIATELY without boarding anyone else. So we patiently waited for it to cross over and back to pick us up.
August 13th, 2022 at 11:22 am
I’ve been to places with those tiny ferries. They are very random. But I’m more used to the bigger ones.