Peace train

I am not here to harangue about peace tonight. As much as I wish for world peace I have been around long enough to know that it’s probably impossible. Not that those of us who care can’t continue to work toward it in whatever ways we can.

I took this photoooo five years ago at Fool Moon, an April Planet Ann Arbor event that I can’t really describe well so hope the link helps. It involves puppets and fancy luminaries held aloft on sticks. Costumes and glow-sticks and all kinds of stuff. Pre-covid, when we used to eat at the Oscar Tango (or wherever) on Friday nights, we would walk through the Fool Moon festivities after dinner. Unless it was raining (or snowing).

This photo was taken on a beautiful night and we left on a road trip to Crazy Old Florida the next morning. We had a beautiful spot on Long Boat Key (gulf side) in a nicely modernized retro motor hotel. Our sister The Beautiful Suzie (TBS) gave us a beach care package when we got in to town, sunscreen and a kite and I fergit what else. We also visited Snooty the Manatee at his Bradenton museum aquarium home.

TBS and Snooty are both dead now. The GG has been to Fla a few times since then to deal with “stuff”. I only went on one of those trips, to help rescue our brother FlaMan from his impossible living situation. We did not stay out at the beach that time but we had wonderful lodgings at a brand new Best Western in the city of Bradenton from where I telecommuted a lot of the time. When we landed in Bradenton, we landed at a Home Depot with a broken down vee-hickle (a whole ‘nother story) and I got a red tide alert on my phone. I do not EVER get red tide alerts on my phone. I could write a BOOK about that trip but I won’t. You’re welcome.

All of this was a bummer but I’m not trying to make this post a bummer. Life goes on and we have continued on with it. FlaMan is safe near family now. I miss TBS and Snooty but by that time, I had already lost my entire childhood nuclear family (parents and brother, only sibling) and I was kind of accustomed to visits by the grim reaper.

But hey! Ketanji was confirmed! I know a lot of folks are gonna say she was only confirmed because she’s Black. Um, did y’all listen to her responses to the grilling she got? I for one was impressed, especially when some people grilled her about totally irrelevant topics. Also, why can’t we hire people because of their qualifications and not because of their skin color or gender or whatever?

Oh well. Done done done.

One Response to “Peace train”

  1. Margaret Says:

    And many of those justices were confirmed only because they were conservative or white men. Ketanji is at least highly qualified unlike several that the GOP have chosen. Life does go on in spite of loss and war. Until it doesn’t.