Himself is home

I got an ETA text that Himself would arrive at about 1:30. Okay. And here he is. Arriving. That’s dirty old Cygnus in the street. Mooon Yooonit and the Lyme Lounge are beginning their slow backup into the driveway from the Perrynet driveway across the street.

And here is Himself himself, removing himself from Mooon Yooonit.

Here is the unpacking aftermath. I texted this to the beach urchins and one of them replied “rummage rummage rummage”. Indeed. In all fairness, he cleaned up this mess pretty quickly and also did a load or two of laundry.

And finally we went through the “where is Softy Beanbag?” thing. Again. Was she in his clothes bag? Yes, she was. She is an IMPORTANT aminal and none of us want her to go missing.

So after two frickin’ YEARS (almost) of the GG gallivanting around with various people mostly outdoors but not always and he does shop in person (like how many times a day can you go to the hardware store?), he brought the frickin’ virus home. All this time I was worried about him getting it somewhere. This trip I was worried about him GIVING it to someone. That doesn’t seem to have happened. By the time he met up with his hiking posse, I guess he must have been negative although I’m pretty sure he didn’t test again. That said, he and his posse are all intelligent mature adults and some of them have been facing their own COVID exposure challenges. I don’t know the details (and don’t wanna know) but they apparently worked it out and since I have HAD the goddamn virus, I don’t really care at this point. For the moment anyway.

IMPORTANT UPDATE! Softy Beanbag was not really lost yesterday. Himself brought her in, automatically dropped her on the bed, then FORGOT but couldn’t see her because a laundry basket was in the way! He doesn’t really read my blahg regularly 🤣🤣🤣

2 Responses to “Himself is home”

  1. Isa Says:

    Himself, the Laird of the Land…fill?

  2. Margaret Says:

    That’s great that he’s home and especially good that he cleaned up his stuff. I hate having a bunch of stuff lying around.