Semi in-person “holiday”

The GG arrived home today with a broken tail light on the Lyme Lounge. It happened in a traffic jam mid-span on the Big Mac when somebody two cars behind him didn’t stop and pushed the car *behind* him into the LL. The person who started it all was carted away in an ambulance. The car behind him was damaged but managed to make it off the bridge without being towed. This happened Wednesday evening and a new tail light cover arrived here from Scamp trailers at the Landfill on Saturday.

Oh, he also had a story from someone in the yooperland. It’s an old one and if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard it, I’d be rich. “Your dad delivered me.” Welp. Nope. That wouldn’t be my dad, nooooo way. But. It undoubtedly was his brother, aka my uncle, who delivered “everyone.” In fact, he may have delivered my brother even though another doc was scheduled to. Things apparently happened fast and my uncle was who was around. Not sure if the other doc got there in time or not but I think he did.

Anyway, I remember bits and pieces of that night and the week following it. We were at our house in Siberia and Radical Betty (who was with us) took me out to the cabin for the duration, stopping at the Pink Poodle drive-in to get me and UKW root beer floats on the way. I stayed at my uncle’s cabin (I think) where legend has it my aunt scrubbed behind my ears to an extent that embarrassed The Commander. They didn’t call my aunt the White Tornado for nothing. I spent a lot of time at the Old Cabin because that’s where my 3-year-old cousins were (my age) and I flummoxed everyone by refusing to eat sliced up pickles, demanding “4-year-old STRAIGHT pickles” instead. I actually remember this. I don’t remember the ear-scrubbing. I’m sure it was done efficiently but gently.

So, the “holiday.” I see my mouse fairly frequently because she lives a little closer and works a few blocks away. I have hardly seen my dinosaur since you know when. Three times, I think? She spent some time here this afternoon on her way home from a weekend at the Mouse House. She delivered impatiens (the only plant I don’t seem to kill). She provides me with those every spring. They are inside for the night because of a freeze warning. My mouse made a drop after her work day, including cicada whine for me and Iron Fish sipping bourbon for the GG (late bday gift).

We weren’t quiiiite ready for a prime-time in-person dinner for this “holiday” but maybe by the next although I think most of us will STILL be careful even then. We (the GG and I) are having what we are now calling “Classic FinFam Steak Dinner” tonight. More on that some other day.

Happy Mother’s Day to those who observe it. I guess I do although I don’t expect to be “honored” for being a mother on any particular day. Every day is Mother’s Day.

2 Responses to “Semi in-person “holiday””

  1. Margaret Says:

    I got calls from my girls and that was thoughtful. You’re right; we are mothers every day, and it’s not my favorite holiday anyway. I made a card for my mom on the computer and installed her new wall phone–with which she is delighted!

  2. Margaret Says:

    And what is cicada wine? Hopefully not made from cicadas. I may be seeing lots of those critters when I’m in Ohio visiting Alison. (not that I want to!)