Surprise surprise surprise

I’m not sure WHY I was surprised when I woke up to a couple inches of snow at 0-skunk-30. This IS Michigan and that’s what it does here. But it wasn’t really in the forecast. And then it went on almost ALL day. Mr. Golden Sun made a mid-morning attempt if you can see that little bit of light in the photooo (between the trees, behind the waaaarrrrs). That’s what we sometimes call a “weak sun”. And then he totally disappeared.

Oh well, at least nobody had to drive anywhere today. Like many other people, my family did NOT “gather” for xmas this year. My family at this point consists mainly of us, two daughters and their SOs. I mean I have a huge number of cousins but we don’t gather with them for holidays. The GG’s fam usually has a big party the weekend before xmas or thereabouts but we did not do that this year. It’s always a lot of fun but I don’t think anyone felt deprived because it didn’t happen.

If anything, it was a less stressful holiday than usual. My s-i-l The Lady of Linden, who has a big enough house to be able to host the 50 or so people the cFam has become for the pre-xmas party, has GOT to be feeling more relaxed this year. It’s a HUGE undertaking even with take-out food and she deserves a break even if the reason sucks. Here we usually have our adult daughters over (their SOs have families too!) for xmas eve and day, so it isn’t really a big deal but this year it was much less. And fewer gifts too. I think EVERYONE was relieved about that. We all have tooooo much stuff.

I was feeling a wee bit down earlier in the week because I hadn’t seen the Detroit urchin since July… Oh wait, she stopped by Saturday after Thanksgiving for an outdoor visit. Anyway, we did a masked gift exchange with her on Wednesday and I felt better for doing that.

So, neither kiddo was alone for the holiday and we were all texting ALL day! We usually avoid that kind of thing. I know parents who constantly text with their adult children and I am not a fan. But on a holiday it’s A-OK. And in a few minutes, we are meeting up online with our kids and our Hawai’i niece. Gotta go!

Back just quick! Fun Facetime. Duck and mashed potatoes were great. Parsnips a bit “fiber-y” and I over-roasted the brussel sprouts and we both managed to make what amounts to gravy🐽 But it’s all good. Would rather be facetiming with kiddos than micro-managing xmas side dishes.

Merry merry, g’night, and typos be damned. KW

2 Responses to “Surprise surprise surprise”

  1. Sam Says:


  2. Margaret Says:

    We say it’s lightening up. 🙂 I do quite a bit of texting with my daughters, but would much rather see them in person. I hate being thousands of miles apart. 🙁 Sounds like a good holiday, given the circumstances.