Northern correspondence just when I needed it

What to write about? What to write about? What to write about? It was a regular Monday and, after a few months of not being anywhere near the Hot Seat, I now have stuff that people are actually asking me about. It was a GOOD THING to have that s-l-o-w period. It allowed me to take a week off at the end of the summer and it allowed me to take that crazy Rocket/LSD trip to Fla. It’s good to be back into the groooooove though and I am even temporarily invited to the weekly Research Team Meeting. (What happens at the Research Team Meeting *stays* in the Research Team Meeting.)

But groovin’ along in my uber-cool job (knock on wood big-time because November is coming up) leaves me with not a lot to blahg about. Therefore, I was ecstatic when Our Northern Correspondent started texting me pics of moominbeach erosion from her late afternoon beach walk. Oh WOW! So here they are at the Doelle (prounced “Doley”) end of the beach and that dog is Charlie, if I have it right. We don’t usually have a “cliff” there. (I have permission to post these pics.)

Here’s another view minus dog. Wanna climb that thing? When I was a kid I’d’ve been ON IT! What fun!

Also, that last pic shows the old lighthouse keeper’s house, which we have always called Doelle’s. The first pic Our Northern Correspondent sent me showed part of a building wrapped in Tyvek. I kind of knew that it was not the lighthouse keeper’s house but I still thought something like, “I am not ready for the lighthouse keeper’s house to be turned into a bed and breakfast.”

And here’s a close-up showing the tree that was uprooted.

It kinda reminds me of when I was a little kid and there was a big round hole in front of the Old Cabin (my grandparents’ place where I spent my summers before we built the moomincabin next door). A storm created that big round hole. It happened before I was born but The Commander told me about it quite a few times. “Water was going up the back road”, etc. It wasn’t until my parents were getting older that The Comm told me that she thought a tornado may have touched down there. Tornadoes are rare in the yooperland but they do happen. Weather forecasts were different then… Anyway, us kids loved playing in that hole with the tree roots draping over the edges and nowadays it is overgrown but still a great place to sit and whine in the afternoon on a cold day.

Finally, on the moomincabin section of beach, Bill’s Birch Point Beach Bank Bench and the small Motor Bote look okay. We are on more or less the middle of the beach and tend to have a wider beach (usually) than either end so I’m not sure we were hit as hard as some others by the crap Gitchee Gumee threw at us.

One Response to “Northern correspondence just when I needed it”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Good to get back into the routine. I always prefer being a bit on the busy side because I feel more productive.