Persona non grata

To be sure, I have been persona non grata many times in my life as a wife and mother. It goes with the job. I am not usually persona non grata at work. Today, several times, I heard the LSCHP boom, “KW says it always snows in April!” He went on to opine that what I was thinking about was snow in the yooperland, not The Planet Ann Arbor. Of course it snows in the yooperland in April and EVEN IN MAY 👀. Ask me! Two years ago in mid-May, Old Man Winter lobbed a few snowballs at me on the way home from the yooperland and I encountered whiteout blizzard conditions in Gaylord (not to be confused with Grayling).

First. My statement that it always snows in April is true. If you go to Iqaluit (google it) in JULY, you might wake up to five inches of snow. I’m glad I don’t live in Iqaluit, as beautiful as it is. What I am clumsily trying to say is that snow happens in April. Somewhere on the earth on some of the days. Yes. It does. I didn’t mean to say that it snows EVERY day in April on The Planet Ann Arbor or even the Great Lake State in general. I meant to say that we do often get snow in April, sometimes significant snow. Usually whatever snow we get on the Planet Ann Arbor in April doesn’t stick to the ground or, more importantly for walkers and drivers, the pavement. It almost always melts fast enough that shoveling is not necessary.

At the moment, Canada is apparently drunk and sleeping it off in the Great Lake State (disclaimer: I am not the first person to say something like this). I love Canada dearly but, at the moment, I kinda wish somebody would sober it up and send it home. Because the reason the LSCHP was harassing me today was that the S-word is in the forecast tonight and there is no warm, y’know like 50+ degree weather, in the foreseeable forecast. We were supposed to get to 60 on Tuesday but I think we might have made it to 42.

Snow with a small accumulation is predicted for The Planet Ann Arbor overnight. The good thing about the S-word prediction? Everyone at work has been ordered to telecommute tomorrow. This is not because of the weather, rather because of a planned disaster-preparedness exercise. So if the driving is bad in the morning (and I doubt that it will be…), I won’t have to deal with it.

BTW, that photo is of Houghton Lake, where ice melted and is RE-FORMING now. In April. With luck, six weeks from now, we’ll be taking the pontoon bote over to the Tiki Bar.

Love, KW

One Response to “Persona non grata”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Brrr. it very rarely snows here in April, but it does happen. In our mountain passes, there has been snow in June. (maybe even farther into the summer)