St. Patrick’s Eve
I don’t often post photos of Cubelandia people because, well, anyone who works in corporate America who has a BRAIN knows why. This afternoon we had a Casino Night/St. Paddy’s Day party at Cubelandia and I couldn’t resist taking a photo of The Benevolent Despot in his Irish/Viking? gear. I told him I had taken a pic and I said that I wouldn’t post it anywhere. He said something like, “I don’t care if you post it. I’m gonna make this my fb profile pic”. He won’t be using my photoooo and we are not friends on facebook. So this is a wee glimpse of the wonderful person I work for. The proverbial bus almost did him in a couple weeks ago (yes, really) but there he is, big as life. Love.
So our little backwater “brain trust” part of the global company that deposits a paycheck into my bank account twice a month for whatever it is that I do for a living has a yearly party called Casino Night. This year Casino Night happened to be scheduled the day before St. Patrick’s Day and so the two events morphed into one. We had green [or blue] beer as our Irish Jewish boss always makes with food coloring and there was bottled beer if you didn’t want to take a risk about what was in the green [or blue] beer pitchers and there was some whine and there was more food than anyone could ever eat. (I am gonna tell you that TBD was rather indiscriminately pouring whatever beer was available into those pitchers. I didn’t tell and I doubt anyone noticed.)
I had a great time this afternoon but I do not do gambling games or play euchre so I slid out around quitting time to catch some daytime astronomy because Mr. Golden Sun was out in full force. When I got home, I found a series of texts including a thread where The Beautiful Gay (of Gaylord) was making one of her signature pineapple upside-down cakes. TBG is my sister-in-law of Terror Twinz. Mother of three. Grandmother of five. I hope someone got her some whine when she put her feet up!