Do not read without holding your nose

outhouseI’m just kidding. But my work day defied description and there were elements of Outhouse Functionality involved. I knew the meeting I needed to lead would be contentious (although we were *all* polite, even Mr. Nyet). I had expressed my concerns about it ahead of time but I got support from my [new] manager so I just plunged in, starting it out with a disclaimer and, uh, an unfortunate OS crash when I moved my [new] work laptop to the meeting room. Nothing like starting out a meeting with having to re-a-start your computer (multiple times…) and then my new manager dialed the wrong number when trying to loop the remote participants in. Fortunately she did not [accidentally] call the police. My former manager once did that and my current manager was the one who met the poleese at the door to explain that there wasn’t anything for them to do in our building.

I got a lot out of today’s meeting but, as I expected, there were contentious issues. We sorted some of them out but not all of them. I was [mostly] having fun at this meeting. I have been doing this job for a long time and I am pretty damn good at it (I think) and I managed to get folks to come to a consensus about some of the issues but not all of them. We have a new meeting scheduled for tomorrow to deal with the rest of it. We’ll get there but I may have to put in some hours next week during my vacay time to do it. That’s okay because we will be chilling anyway and if I put in some work hours next week, I will have more vacay time available in the fall when we are going to want to hike, etc. 🙂

Oh and then, I had to navigate home from work. Jeebus. Westbound I94 was hosed. State Street from Cublandia to I94 was hosed. I managed to get home at a reasonable time but it was not easy and I had to take a rather unusual route to do it. It’s Art Fair week and I knew traffic would be hosed today. I managed to take back roads to get home in only a half hour or so but it was not fun except in the flying by the seat of my pants kind of way that I enjoy when driving a motor car, especially my Ninja with its 6-speed manual transmission 🐸

Love y’all,

One Response to “Do not read without holding your nose”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Glad that the meeting was manageable. I had to drive Ashley back from the airport yesterday in rush hour traffic, and I don’t know how people do it EVERY DAY. Too much for me. 🙂