This is how you write your name when you are 2.5 years old

mouseYes, feeling a bit better today. Going to bed last night felt soooooo good and I slept well but I had to draaaaag myself outta the rack this morning. As hard as that was, I knew I was on the mend. No aching joints, thank you very much! I felt slow but not slow enough to bag my walk. I told myself I would take it easy but as it turned out, when I reached my Time Checkpoint Intersection, I was only about six minutes later than what I like to be even with getting up a bit late.

I had toyed with the idea of telecommuting for a while this morning. The weather forecast was pretty awful and I knew the Queen Bee would understand because cold virus. But then, the worst case weather scenario didn’t happen and I wouldn’t have missed that drive to Cubeland for anything. Blacker than the ace of spades, lightning (at 35 degrees) and ice balls pelting the Ninja from out of the sky. Thor must have been angry this morning but the roads were not the slightest bit slippery and I enjoyed the show, sound effects and all.

Anyway, I had a set of functional requirements to ship out this morning and that was easier to do *at work*. After that, things got a bit slodgy. It’s a good week for me to take my mini-vacay Friday off because we are kind of between things at the moment. I bagged out early, telling the Queen Bee I really needed a nap. And I did but I am not a napper and I didn’t take one. But my supervisor knew what I meant and it was all good.

Do you remember writing your name when you were young? I actually do remember putting all kinds of extra “bars” on Es and Fs when I was writing my name at three or whenever. I even remember a brief period of time during which I insisted that my name was spelled “Anno”. I remember writing that on the sidewalk in front of our house on Superior Street. I think I was trying to impress Bobby (the older girl next door, old enough to babysit me) with my spelling skills. Do you think I succeeded? I did not know how to write my name until I was well over three…

Okay, I am outta steam. You are happy about that.

2 Responses to “This is how you write your name when you are 2.5 years old”

  1. Sam Says:

    Love the artwork today and yesterday. V glad to hear you are doing better—yay!

  2. Margaret Says:

    Glad that you are getting back to normal. The weather sounds much more interesting than our 70-80 degree sunshine. 🙂