Pimpy Cat Walking
So, yesterday I got to work and nobody was working The Window so I set myself up there and a guy came in and I *swear* I heard him say he was just walking his cat. It may have been that I have to talk to people at The Window through an American flag but I also felt a bit like I was under water. But then he said a name that I recognized as a new contractor, so I scooted over to the LSCHP’s office and I could *swear* he said something about a pimp. I think I asked “whaaat?” about three times. The guy at the window did *not* look like a “pimp”. Where was his maroon suit? You know the one. It has shoulder pads and pink trim. Where was his matching Caddylac? We get UPS and Fedex and a few white Cereal Killer-looking vans that [big-office-supply-store] now contracts with to deliver paper and stuff. No fancy Caddylacs. Ever!!!
Of course no one was walking their cat and there were no pimps anywhere near my building. A poised, professional young woman was welcomed into the building and onto our team. Me? I was weary. Even after the LSCHP took the flag down. I sooooo needed a wee bit of vacay. I neeeeed a couple weeks more than I get in any case. I cannot complain about my benefits because they are generous. I just wish the norm for Corporate America was more. Like the Europeans get. Plus, last summer I spent a lot of my time off dealing with Titanium Pinky and the various splint/cast-type contraptions that kept her safe. The GG gets Veterans Day off as a paid holiday, so I decided to take some of whatever hours I have left this year to go north with him for the rest of the week.
We had a loverly uneventful drive up in the Frog Hopper pulling the Lyme Lounge, which will go into hibernation this weekend. It was beautiful here all afternoon and we finished off raking what leaves were left, cheered on badgered by the Neighborhood Busybody Nutcase. And now Liz (the GG’s sister, not our daughter) is here with us and we are scrabbling a Landfill leftover dinner together and having fun.
We have plans for more fun this long weekend but we’ll see what we do, since the weather is supposed to take a turn toward the craptastic. Stay tuned for more of our fun or make your own and write about it!
Love y’all, KW!
November 11th, 2015 at 8:21 pm
I get quite a hoot out of things I THINK I hear people say, and then it turns around on me when Siri turns around what I dictate into my iPhone. Sometimes I send the originals to Ashley because they make her laugh. Siri has a lot of fun spelling weird things for Dakar and Senegal.
Hope your mini-vacay is relaxing.