Paper Jails

I did not take the pic of the red-tailed hawk. I did not want to listen to its story. Eight brand-new ducklings [minus one] and this guy spent MUCH time hanging out waiting for the ducklings to reappear. I know that this kind of thing is life but I still didn’t really want to hear about what the GG witnessed this morning. A couple years ago, a red-tailed hawk spent MUCH time sitting on a stump in the Landfill backyard. I wonder what he was waiting to eat. But y’know, I eat meat. All the time. Somebody has to kill it. Probably another member of my species… … … I’m not gonna stop eating meat [especially bacon].


Speaking of life, shelf fungus is out in full force here on this tree in Miller Woods.


A few years ago, we were at the Oscar Tango and I envied a long kind of oh-I-dunno foofy / spangly red skirt that a young woman was wearing. I coveted that skirt to no end. I have acquired a couple of shorter bizcaz-type red skirts since then and I LOVE them but they aren’t quite the same. And then. Earlier this month, the latest Soft Surroundings catalog arrived. Soft Surroundings is a catalog that I *occasionally* buy stuff from so I thumbed through it quickly. But all of a sudden, there was a bright red “cha cha” skirt. Just what I was looking for. Clickety-clickety-click, add to cart. The pic below is a wee bit fuzzy but whatever. A few pages later, there was the “knit layers” skirt. It’s shown in a zebra print but there’s also “cerise” aka red. Clickety-clickety-click, add to cart! [Hee, “addtocart” was a recent xword answer.]


Paper Jails on the way home (only one in this pic (and you’ll have to click once or twice to embiggen) but later there were more like three). Paper Jails? My childhood friend Kathie got confused when she was small and people on the beach looked up and exclaimed about the vapor trails from jets passing high over head. Paper Jails.


Busy weekend in the works. Farmer’s market, thrift shop dropoff, shopping for Moomincabin supplies for the summer, and a Shakespeare play tomorrow and I fergit what else (besides the usual chores and errands), oh yeah, I have to pot my impatiens!!!! Sunday? Rivera/Kahlo exhibit down at the DIA. Costs a few dollars more than visiting Snooty the manatee. Lunch at the Green Dot afterwards? And then more chores and errands. And I have to fit a day’s worth of work (the paid kind) in there somewhere so I can take next Friday off without having to eat up a doggamn vacation day.

2 Responses to “Paper Jails”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I don’t want to think about reality either sometimes, or watch it being acted out. Love the shelf fungus and the red! I look good in red and need to wear more of it. Cerise means cherry in French! 🙂

  2. Sam Says:

    Perfect with your red Keens, as modeled!