Drop beets, not bombz!

Man oh man, got home from Fla and took a gander at the May “social” calendar and oof, there are a lot of things to fit in. This weekend? Oscar Tango on Friday night. Farmer’s market early Saturday and Kentucky Derby later on (plus a whole bunch of chores and prodjects). Today? More chores and prodjects and then the Waterhill Music Fest. This fest is my preferred way to go to concerts. We walk down to the Waterhill neighborhood and walk around, stopping wherever somebody is playing music. The “rules” are that if you are a musician and you live in the Waterhill neighborhood, you can perform on your front porch or your driveway or lawn or wherever. We have a lot of fantastic musicians on The Planet Ann Arbor and many of them live in the Waterhill neighborhood.

That said, this music fest is not limited to highly acclaimed musicians. We passed one sign advertising Mrs. Kafoulie’s [not her real name] piano students. That’s one of the things I like about this music fest — that *everyone* can participate no matter what skill level they have achieved. Another thing I like is that we can hit up a concert for a song or two and then move on. It was hot today here on The Planet Ann Arbor (80) and so by the end of our slodge back up the hill to our far northwest side home, I felt like I had done a bit of a death march. But those death marches feel good after you wash your feet and fling garments that you really don’t want to wear in the first place.

So, a bunch of photooos lightly annotated and a bit more at the end if you get that far. Here’s Mr. B’s Joybox Express. He was playing in bars when we first lived here. At some point, he went on the road with his piano. On a bicycle. Today, he had this fancy setup with him and his puano and a drummer and double beeceeclettes in the back and, well, I can’t really even describe it and not sure this pitcher does the job either.


This photo has little to do with the music fest. It shows the GG photobombing one of our beautiful spring trees.


We particularly loved this band. I could not tell you why if I tried.


This band was Dr. Unk and they were good but I was starting to fade a bit by then. This is a good example of a front porch band though.


And here’s the GG sitting on the step of the Roos Roast van. Our fave coffee vendor and I’m pretty sure the owner didn’t much care to have “an old hippie” sitting on his step. If I get it right, the Roos Roast owner drove this vee-hickle back from Portland or Seattle or somewhere out there…


Lots of kids everywhere. Mostly happy. Sometimes dancing like these kids were.


That band (pretty good) wanted to go on but they were warned by a volunteer that it was 5:00 and they couldn’t keep going. Why? Because our fav-o-rite Waterhill band ever was scheduled to start at 5:00 and there was no way the Fumblin’ Tumbleweeds could compete with a rock and roll band with serious amplification. Here are the tumbleweeds. Best Waterhill venue!


I wanted to see the Tumbleweeds but I was kind of at the end of my rope after that. While we were watching them, my mouse texted me asking what we were doing for dinner. Well, we are grilling a big cornish hen and I have asparagus and noodles with pesto and a big salad and a washing musheen. So come on over! We miss you! And we will go to see your play but probably not until the last night.

2 Responses to “Drop beets, not bombz!”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It sounds like an awesome time. I love the format of that concert; it’s my style too–just wander around and listen for a while, then move on! 80?? You beat us by 10 degrees. 🙂

  2. jane Says:

    I am 99.9% certain my friends Nina and Tom are in the fumblin’ tumbleweeds. is it Irish-ish music?