Three bottles of worchestershire sauce but no butter

So we went to the grokkery store. To get butter (but not Worchestershire sauce). We took the Flote Bote. I was gonna drive the Frog Hopper over to the Best Choice grokkery store but the Twinz of Terror suggested that we could take the bote and, okay yes, let’s take the bote. And we’ll get some faaarrrworks too. So here we are heading into the canal behind the Best Choice grokkery store.


I don’t have a whole lot to say tonight except that this was one of the most gorgeous days of the summer. We took a second bote ride in the afternoon. The goal was to get bloody marys at Liz’s Lounge but as we approached the lounge, we figured out that a wedding was in progress and the restaurant was closed. So, off to the Limberlost, where we experienced the usual spotty service. But there were ducks.


As you can see.

Not much else to say except that we eventually got back to the cabin and cooked dinner and, lemme see, with nine people here, it’s all good.

2 Responses to “Three bottles of worchestershire sauce but no butter”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Did you cook that duck? 🙂 We are having such lovely weather that it will be REALLY hard to go back to work. And deal with gray and rain. Still, I’m thankful for the beautiful summer and perhaps fall.

  2. l4827 Says:

    It was a beautiful day up here too. And the night now is quiet, still, with just a string of pearls from the ship going northbound. The lake is flat, like ice. No beachfire, just an hour of late night solitude….

    P.S. There was a guy standing on a raft slowly paddling parallel to the beach at sunset. This made for quite a nice quiet serene look at the lake and surroundings …. BTW, was that Mario Andretti behind the wheel of that pontoon boat?