It’s okay, it’s not Ebola

thelastnightThe title is not meant to be disrespectful in any way. The illness that results from the Ebola virus is horrific. I don’t wish it on anyone and I am horrified at the idea that there may be drugs that are helping (?) American health care workers that are not being distributed to those who are suffering over in Africa.

But here’s the truth. I don’t have Ebola. I have whatever blasted cold virus is going around The Planet Ann Arbor this summer. This virus has a weird trajectory. You feel just a hint of congestion in your throat, then there are about 5-6 days of just a wee bit of coughing and nose-blowing. Then. Ka-wham! I took a sick day today. I actually felt quite a bit better today than I did yesterday. I guess that says something about the kind of denial I was in yesterday. Today, I didn’t want to get out of bed. I bagged my walk. I got out to the couch and felt like I needed a nap. I emailed in sick. I dozed and then read a book (on my phone (Snow Child)). Mouse came over in the afternoon and told me my face looked congested. She knew. She had the same cold virus earlier in the summer.

I am irritated by a few things today but most of my irritation is directed at all of the folks who insist upon posting and reposting and reposting stuff about Robin Williams and his death ad infinitum. I’m sorry. This is very sad. I think he was a talented, wonderful person with a dark side. Aren’t we all like that? I do not understand why anyone would commit suicide. I won’t because I love my life and I am still afraid of death. I have been with people who were ready to die and I was with my brother when he died. I don’t think any of those folks feared death and, in some cases wanted to hasten it. But those folks were old and/or ill. Who am I to judge someone else for taking their life? Let us mourn Robin Williams but let us also understand how complex each and every one of us is. And that successful folks like Robin have some of the same problems as the rest of us and maybe have fewer tools for handling them, as rich and/or famous as they are.

Good night. Love you all. Read Snow Child.

One Response to “It’s okay, it’s not Ebola”

  1. Margaret Says:

    RW was all over FB and I got pretty tired of it too, which is why I posted my mini-rant about my brother. Geeze, this goes on all the time and people will go on to the next shiny thing in a micro-second. You’re reading Snow Child, the book about Alaska with the couple homesteading and the mysterious child? I absolutely loved that book!