Hey, let’s empty out the bedroom closet and paint it!

canistersLet me tell you, if you ever need a weekend of spacification from your long-suffering significant other, today’s title will probably get you exactly that!

When you are doing a renovation, you are tuned in to design blahgs and websites — Houzz and Dwell are two that come to mind. I clicked over to something somewhere about reorganizing closets and, even though our current prodject here is not about reorganizing closets, somebody had painted their closet PINK and installed a whole bunch of white shelves and drawers and rods (a “system” but I’ll get to that). Now, I would NEVER paint our closet PINK (of all things) but I just thought, “WOW! We could paint our closet!” Who’da thunk it? (Exit the GG to go hang out with *sane* people “up north”.)

About closet “systems” (and systems in general). I cannot count how many times I have gone out and bought plastic “storage” items to try to organize things. Anyone want a Yaffa block? Actually, I’m *using* the Yaffa blocks I haven’t gotten rid of. And when I do put them out by the curb, they get snapped up almost immediately. Those ultra-organized closets with all the fancy organizing “stuff” in them look great on the internet but I know a few things about self-imposed “systems”. First, they work! Until they don’t work. And when they stop working, you have to face up to the fact that they aren’t working but then how the heck do you get rid of them. You’ve spent *money* on them, roight? Life is messy and even things that seem really straightforward can get complicated fast. The best strategy? Get rid of everything you aren’t using. Less is better. Unless you are thinking about twins, like the GG and the UU, who are probably whooping it up at Bennethums or someplace. Wish I was there but somebody has to earn a living around here. [wink]

I got myself focused on canisters today. These are the items that still reside on the shelf above the wood table in the Landfill Chitchen. Mixed bag, right? There was more stuff on this shelf but I stored all of the empty containers. The checkerboard canisters were a wedding gift. I LOVE them but they are metal and two of them rusted. I haven’t found new canisters that I like. And then I thought, “Why do I need canisters at all?” Hmmmm…

Anyway, that’s a pretty dern mixed bag of styles there on that shelf. I don’t think I will keep the canisters. The little pitcher was my mom’s and I remember her using it for milk in my childhood. She actually gave it to me a couple years before she died. Not sure what she would think about all those scissors but I do think it’ll work in my new chitchen. The northern woods type crock? I love it. It won’t work in my new chitchen. It’ll have to find a new home, hopefully in my house.

Tomorrow? I am heading down to Treasure Mart (THANK YOU JANE!). I’ll be walking. I am hoping against hope that I do not have to walk all the way down there with YakTrax and my REI hiking pole. We’ll see. After some research, I actually think I am going to continue with Mexican glassware but mix it up a bit but it’ll still be fun to hit up Treasure Mart. Who knows? Maybe they’ll have an aardvark or a hippo or something.

One Response to “Hey, let’s empty out the bedroom closet and paint it!”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I would like new canisters; mine match, but I don’t like them very much. I’m hoping for a reprieve from nasty weather. After all, it IS March!!