Black hole sun

blackholesunDriving up to the Group Home at Houghton Lake this morning, we were kibbitzing about whether or not anyone was there. We had no idea, so I checked the Group Home webcam. Nobody was up there (yet) but there was this loverly black hole sun photo so I posted it on facebook and got a goodly number of likes and comments. Not that I am a like/comment whore at all ’cause I am not but it was still fun.

So, on facebook, The Beautiful Joanny said something about black hole sun. Yaknow, if you spent the late 1990s like I did, driving the Beauteous Island Teal POC around the Planet Ann Arbor with varying numbers of teenagers and tweens in it, you probably had 89.5 (or whatever it was) on the radio and Black Hole Sun was definitely on rotation. I don’t know what the kids actually thought about that song but I liked it. But I liked most of that old 1990s music.

We had dinner over at the Riviera Resort tonight and I tried to play the Black Hole Sun video for the GG on my iPhone. He didn’t recognize it at all, even though he was holding the iPhone speaker right up next to his ear. Maybe he didn’t spend as much time driving kids around in the POC back in the 1990s? Or maybe he spent that driving time calculating numbers to the 13th power in his head to tune out the radio. Or maybe he simply couldn’t hear the video because the folks at the next table were drowning it out singing along with the lounge singer’s rendition of Sweet Caroline. (Hey, I was just about ready to join in!)

Even though nobody was at Houghton Lake when we got here, The Lord and Lady of Linden and their left coast son (our nephew) joined us at the Riviera for dinner and we are all now happily settled in at the Group Home for the night. Ski Ranch in the morning!

Good night,
Kayak Woman

4 Responses to “Black hole sun”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Pretty snow, but you can have it. Hope the weekend is wonderful–enjoy!

  2. isa Says:

    He should recognize this one, we heard it in the Jeep every single day on the way to MYA when I was in 7th grade:

  3. GG Says:

    … the sound quality was terrible and other music was playing – I couldn’t recognize what I was hearing. Today, I played it on a ‘puter and it was easy to recognize. Yeah. I remember Black Hole Sun.

  4. isa Says:

    Oh yeah, also it was 88.7 not 89.5!