Brrr Hum-bah

pinetreesnowOh, not really, just wondering how I am gonna fit the few holiday tasks I have assigned myself into the remaining days. I thought I had three (count ’em) more days of paid time off (besides sick time, I have a lot of that). Something didn’t seem right though. I knew that Building Mom would have a more accurate time-off calendar than the one I’ve been keeping (or trying to keep), so today when the Queen Bee asked me (for about the umpteenth time*) what days I planned on taking off over the holidays, I took a deep breath and emailed Building Mom. Alas, my fears were true. I have only TWO (count ’em) days left. I had neglected to include one vacation day I took in July. Shit. Note to self for 2014: be more diligent about recording your paid time off in that blasted Sharepoint calendar that everyone loves to hate. It’s annoying but I have finally managed to *find* it and bookmark it and it does keep track…

Our “shop” more or less shuts down over the holidays, at least it’s sleepy for those of us who do design / development work. People who provide support to actual customers need to be on task. Only a few of them work in my backwater office though and frequently if you show up anywhere near the weeks containing Christmas and New Year’s Day, the parking lot will be practically empty. Last year I was in a similar situation with paid time off. I compensated somewhat by telecommuting on most of the days I did actually work. But then I got a little cabin feverish, so I schlepped into work one morning. The LSCHP was there and almost no one else. The LSCHP does not celebrate Christmas and always looks forward to having the building more or less to himself during the holiday period. He greeted me that fine morning with, “Look at what the cat dragged in.”

So, what tasks are left? A couple gifts for the GG. Mouse (nudge nudge) needs to give me a list. I think she has one. I also know that she doesn’t always read this blahg ‘o blather. Veggie lasagne for the Cfam party this Saturday. I am behind! I do not even have any frozen sauce around. Duck(s?) for xmas dinner. Whole Foods or Plum? Can’t decide. I *do* have hollandaise sauce (for Eggs Benny) in spades!

What am I *not* gonna do? Bake cookies! Actually, I would *love* to bake cookies but I have to work and there’s a family party this weekend and I still need to buy the few gifts I am going to schlep around town to buy. I am also not sending out xmas cards or newsletters. I know that a lot of family members and a few good friends lurk on ababsurdo (and lurking is A-okay, by the way!), so they know what’s going on around here, which of course is usually not a whole lot. I did enjoy writing a Christmas newsletter back in the day and I still enjoy receiving them.

I am out of steam and you are happy about that!

Love y’all
Kayak Woman

*QB took on the job of managing meeeee (and Cube Neighbor) only because we are, well, us, and do our work without a bunch of prompting. So when she actually *asks* me to do something, I try to jump to it.

4 Responses to “Brrr Hum-bah”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I need to check through my cookie ingredients because I will do some baking. I feel guilty saying how much time off I have at the holidays. Makes stuff a lot less stressful for me.

  2. Marquis Says:

    Hmm, Sharepoint that’s what Snowden managed for the NSA. For some reason they don’t use it anymore. Good luck!

  3. jane Says:

    what? no newsletter? how will I know what amusing and amazing things your family has done this year? That said – I actually love getting those newsletters. mostly. 😉

  4. Sam Says:

    Ah, pile o unwritten Xmas cards right next to me…think I’ll cruise the web a bit more, sip until this cuppa is empty, then pick up my pen…inspired by KW….