Mini travelogue

When I was a kid up in Siberia, one of the things my family did was go to “travelogues”. I cannot for the life of me remember who put these things on. Rotary Club maybe? They were held in the auditorium of the crappy old local high school and the format was that various traveling minstrel-type-people would show a film of some trip that they took and provide live narration. (I think, I can’t exactly remember the details.) These films were not exactly movie theatre quality but they were pretty good and the narrators were usually really funny. I can’t feature what it took to edit film back in those days. I can barely manage iMovie on my phone on a good day. But we had so much FUN! Those travelogues were entertaining even for us kids but the real fun was that during intermission, we got to run all over the second floor and use the bathroom, dreaming of the days when weeeee would be big high schoolers. (That said, having spent the first two years of my high school career in that building, whenever I think of my cuzzint Pooh’s song about the seven old ladies locked in a lavatory, I think of that bathroom.)

Anyway, because I have nothing and you do NOT wanna hear about how horrible the traffic was on the Planet Ann Arbor for the afternoon commute, I will do a mini-travelogue of our last trip up north. Our ultimate destination was Brevort Lake, the purple dot on the map below. The dot almost totally obscures Brevort Lake but it is in fact a sizable inland lake. I already wrote about our hike along its shores and along the Brevort River. The red arrow points to the general area of the moomincabin (and toward L. Superior) and the green arrow points directly at the Mackinac Bridge. We did not go anywhere near the moomincabin that day. It is closed for the season.


The road to (and beyond) Brevort is US2 and it runs more or less along the northern shore of Lake Michigan for many many miles. The photo below is what it looked like that day as we were driving back toward St. Ignace and the Big Mac. Not exactly someplace you might want to swim, at least not that day.


The UU, who was with us on the trip out but not back, was gabbling about taking photoooos of all the goofy yooperland smoked fish signs for a coffee table book. I think he was kidding about the coffee table book but I have also often wanted to stop and take pics of some of those signs. It wasn’t the right time to stop and futz around a whole lot on this trip but I liked this set of signs so we stopped and this one is for the UU.


Yes, high winds at the bridge. Where is the bridge? The bridge is to the right, hiding behind those those trees. Hard to believe that a big suspension bridge like the Mac could hide behind a little clump of trees. I could feel the wind on the bridge that day and I wasn’t even driving at that point. That is not always the case, even when the warnings are up, but the Frog Hopper does catch the wind a bit. I was kind of glad to get off the bridge.


I guess that’s enough for now. At least it’s enough for meeeee!

4 Responses to “Mini travelogue”

  1. Sam Says:

    I used to love travelogue night! Yes, the auditorium exploration! The live presentation! The (bad—and good) jokes! Sometimes, the snow piled up on the car when we returned to the parking lot…ah, yes, travelogues…. And, thanks for yours!

  2. Margaret Says:

    I hate strong winds and would not like crossing a bridge in them! I didn’t go to any travelogues, but I did attend a few Warren Miller ski film presentations. 🙂

  3. UU Says:

    I wish you had a “Like” button on this blog.

  4. Pooh Says:

    I read “coffee table book”, but what I saw in my mind’s eye was a coffee table with the signs ON the table, collaged, painted, carved, doesn’t matter.