Dahlia? Dahlia? Dahlia? Please Mother Nature?

dahliaIf this poor little mistreated plant actually gets a chance to flower in the next week or so…, it is going to be a gorgeous dark red. I can see that much.

This dahlia plant is from a tuber from the beautiful dahlias that were grown for my cousin Uber Kayak Woman’s son’s wedding (that would make him my 1st cuzzint once removed but we won’t go there tonight). The bride and groom chose the colors red and orange for their wedding and I fergit why but I did love the idea that they actually chose colors for their wedding. I’m not sure that everyone does. I certainly didn’t. Why the heck did I not think of that? I’d’ve probably picked rainbow, of course.

I could not describe UKW’s area of Lopez Island if I tried but an adjacent neighbor grows dahlias (more successfully than I do) and one of the things the beach urchins were tasked to do while out there was to help harvest flowers for the wedding. The flowers were absolutely to die for.

To make a long story short, UKW emailed to ask if I wanted some dahlia tubers. With much trepidation, I accepted the offer. I have a damn black thumb. I think UKW knows that but nevertheless, she sent me six tubers. I was scared to death to plant them and looked online, etc. Maybe four of them germinated (is that the word?). We did not have the warmest spring or summer here in the Great Lake State and we were often deluged with water. I am guessing that our weather conditions weren’t helpful for dahlias especially for a neophyte. But… One of them (out of six) has been a trooper since the beginning. And here it is. Will it bloom? If our Indian Summer weather continues for a couple more days, maybe so.

I think it will be dark red if the weather does hold out a few more days. Thank you god for Indian Summer. Please make it continue a few more days.

One Response to “Dahlia? Dahlia? Dahlia? Please Mother Nature?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    We got a bit of that Indian summer today, which was great after our RAINY end of September. Love dahlias but have never tried to plant any bulbs–so I’m not sure how I would do. They’re supposed to go in at various depths, depending on the flower. Tulips go in deep, others not as much.