Does Anyone Else Ever Think About That All The Time?

Knock knock.

Now what? This was the second time this afternoon that someone was at the door. The GG was crashed out on the couch in the back room and Froggy was sleeping it off in his laundry basket grok-snort, so it fell to me to see what was up. Actually, I had food in my mouth to boot. “Hi, my name is Norman.” Or was it Horace? No, Horace is a dog. I guess I didn’t quite catch his name. He was holding a bible and there was a woman standing behind him in a flowered dress. Typical proselytizing tag team. Okay…

I stood there trying to figure out how to open my mouth and say, “No thank you,” but I was eating, so I couldn’t manage it. He started in with, “There are those who think that people were created and others who think that people evolved. What is your opinion?” I don’t mean to be disrepectful to anyone’s religion but, I am sorry, I could hardly keep a straight face. In the first place, I’m always a bit incredulous when people actually ask *me* for an opinion! Hmmm. What *is* my opinion?

I couldn’t believe the rush of thoughts and memories that flooded through my mind in the half-second it took me to swallow my food and actually say, “No thank you!” I’ve been thinking about stuff like this since I was three years old! All the time. I’m not sure the word “infinity” was firmly embedded in my vocabulary at three but I was definitely trying to work out the concept: i.e., what if I keep cutting a piece of paper in half and in half and in half again — will I ever get to the point where I can’t cut it in half any more — when there’ll be nothing left? I used to contemplate the meaning of the universe too. Quite regularly. How did we get here? Was there somebody *outside* the universe who created it. Who was it? What did that entity look like? What does it look like *outside* the universe.

And then there’s how my brain tried to parse his question. What did he mean by “create?” I mean, I have a relatively good basic understanding of how evolution works and I think that’s how human beings came to be. Creation? Well, I’m right back to my early childhood. How did this system get set up anyway. Did it just come out of nothing? What does nothing look like? Creation? Maybe. But it sure didn’t happen in seven days, which is what I am pretty sure Norman/Horace was hoping to try to convince me of.

So, I said, “no thank you.” I didn’t want to waste his time. He replied with something like, “okay, have a nice day.” I could tell by his voice and body language that he was disappointed in me. I’m used to that. All the religious proselytizers do that when they encounter me. I can just feel them thinking, “She’s gonna burn in hell! In those ratty old clothes.” I dunno. Maybe. But I think I’ve seen a few ghosts and I’m sure there were people in life on earth who thought that *my* ghosts were gonna burn in hell. I don’t think that’s where they are! I think they’re ripping around commandeering the controls of airplanes and lake freighters and playing trombones and drinking bourbon and walking the beach with their dogs. And I hope they’re haunting a few real estate developers.

So, like I said, I am, or try to be, respectful of other people’s religions, so I don’t want to go there. And I don’t think Norman/Horace and I are all that far apart because we just want to understand ourselves and our world and make it a better place. But did y’all think about this kind of stuff when you were kids? What do you think about ghosts? Have you seen evidence of one? Do they exist? What *did* you think about when you were three?

3 Responses to “Does Anyone Else Ever Think About That All The Time?”

  1. Webmomster Says:

    I believe in ghosts and ESP and “Celtic Sixth Senses”…with a good dose of skepticism thrown in for safety, cuz I just don’t like those dolts who *prey* upon the naive folks who SO want to believe in the “supernatural” that they are taken in by scams & shams.

    Jim’s “Celtic 6th Sense” was all too often correct for me to NOT believe it. Val & Janet demonstrate it to certain degrees.

    As for telepathy, I’m not totally convinced that humans [in general] are “wired” for it – but I’ve seen enough non-vocal / non-apparent-body language-based communication between my dogs to think there’s something to it. Humans who *are* particularly well-tuned to each other (i.e., identical twins) *appear* to have the appropriate “wiring” – guess two or more people have to share a “frequency setting” or something?

    We’ve had enough “ghost stories” around here to make them real enough. Like the afternoon my dog, Laker, was put down: I HEARD his collar jingle – a very distinctive sound that in no other way could have been made where I was. To add to that, it turns out that the time I heard the jingle coincided with the time the decision was made to put him down following the findings of his exploratory surgery. And I know some of those other ghost visitations that Anne refers to…


  2. mouse Says:

    when i was three, i wondered whether space ended, and if it did, what came after it?? oh, and all manner of other ridiculous things, like death, the universe, and everything. i think more little kids need to consider death while they have time to get used to it. they have plenty of time to consider life as it happens. perhaps a mix of both would be best.

    i also thought about the phantom tollbooth…all the time…er..right.

  3. acourtois Says:

    I hope it’s okay with Mouse if I tell this story. Once I was driving down Dexter Ave. in our old VW Jetta and she was in the back seat. I think I was taking her to nursery school. Out of absolutely nowhere came the question, “If I die, will my Mouse go with me?” I wasn’t even sure what the question exactly meant, let alone how to answer it.

    As for considering death as a child. I have to think about that a bit. Not that I think it’s a bad idea. I just don’t know. I am not prepared for death now and don’t plan on going there in quite some time. But I’m not as afraid of it as I was when I was younger. It isn’t due to age though, it’s because I have watched two people die. I was with Jim when he died. Although wasn’t with Grandaddy, I was there close enough to the end to know that he was ready to go.