I don’t wanna go to Disney World either.

reneelizmousefloridaBut not for the same reasons that Lucy didn’t want to go to Disney World. Y’all have probably already seen the video. I am posting it anyway. There is no excuse for abusing a three-year-old disabled child in a pink wheelchair in the name of airline safety. We need to hire TSA agents who can apply common sense to the rules and not let the power of being able to detain American citizens go to their heads. And we need to call out those who *do* let power go to their heads. Alas… Let’s cut the damn budget!

Me? I went to Disney World once. We drove down to Fla in the Exxon Tanker Valdez (aka 1989 red minivan) back in 1992 or thereabouts. That Fla trip was a long, interesting adventure with a detour to DC and Chincoteague Island, etc. (And yes, we had read Misty of Chincoteague). And Disney World. DW was okay. Except for a thankfully short I-don’t-get-along-with-the-tap-water-here incident that would be TMI. By the time we got to the grandparents’ house in Bradenton after a day at Disney World, I was like, “Where is the Salty Dog drive-thru, again?” (Note to self: Salty Dogs next summer at the moominbeach!) Somehow the Disney magic is lost on me. Maybe I’m just old but, in the grand scheme of things, I would much rather hang out at a place like Myakka State Park than Disney World. Even if there aren’t any alligators erderators out that day.

The photo was taken in Myakka State Park and it kind of looks like a steroid version of my daughters. Like there is an extra one! The tallest of the three beautiful blonde young women, aka, TBR, is not my child, although I love her. She is [arguably] biologically related to the GG because he and her father are identical twins. Later on (much later on), TBR and Lizard Breath have sometimes been referred to as identical cousins (think Patty Duke if you are old enough to remember that show). They aren’t but there have been times when they have looked a lot alike. (Hope it’s okay with TBR that I posted this photo.)

I love Florida and I want to go back again but, no matter where I go, I am always glad to get off the I75 SUV Speedway and see the Ann Arbor Muffler sign again. Home. Well, except for Uber-Home, aka Sault Ste. Siberia and the moominbeach.

3 Responses to “I don’t wanna go to Disney World either.”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I want to go to Epcot and that’s it. I’m not a huge Disney person nor do I like rides OR CROWDS. I’ve been to Bradenton! Alison had a gymnastics meet near there once. South of Tampa?

  2. Marquis Says:

    Our next door neighbors just got back from Disneyworld. We [Anne] ended up dog sitting for them a bit. Years ago I went to Disneyworld on business. Yep, expense account and everything, definitely the way to go, on someone else’s dime. I ended up partying with some South African co-workers. We spent all of our Disney bucks on beer in the German pavilion. Then there is Disneyland, I use to go there a lot as a kid. The last time that I was there I was with Anne and Cooper. We did Disney until we puked!

  3. isa Says:

    Is there a larger dig file of that?