Liiiv-ing in a material plutonium world and I am a material plutonium girl

I’ll spare you the gory details of what I was doing 28 years ago today. Yeah, 28… Yikes.

I single-handedly invented childbirth, don’tcha know >wink< Me and my cuzzints who had their first babies the same year. (We were born the same year and had our first kids the same year.)

I’m sure we were insufferable the following summer. Labor labor labor. Feeding feeding feeding. Sleeping [not]sleeping [not]sleeping. Poop poop poop (poop poop poop (poop poop poop)).

It was a fun summer and all of the grandmothers and others who went before us doted on us and our babies. I’m sure they were winking at each other, “just you wait.”

I will say that I was as healthy as a horse, as they say, and I was out hiking around the neighborhood with the GG the afternoon before my baby was born. I mean hiking, not just shuffling around. Still, in hindsight, I knew something was up and that is all I will say.

Maybe 12 hours later, maybe less, I was holding my newborn baby.

They did not put her in a “dirty old paper bag”, like the one I was apparently presented to The Commander in, in a War Memorial Hospital hallway, if I have it right…

She was my first baby and, although I have always wanted to have children, I am not really a baby person. I did not babysit on anything approaching a regular basis, I hated when I was forced strongly encouraged to volunteer in the church nursery, and I had never changed a diaper.

I was an awful kid Really! The Commander would often tell me she hoped I had 12 kids! I would snottily respond that I would let them do whatever they wanted to do whenever they wanted to do it.

12 kids? The idea actually enticed me as a small child but I think it had more to do with inventing characters with my own chosen personalities.

Fortunately I came back down to earth by the time I got into my chosen child-bearing age range and stopped at two, which is pretty much the number I could handle.

The two children that I had have been the best kids on earth. For me, that is. I know that your kids are also the best kids on earth.

I never had anything more than momentary issues with either of my kids the entire time they were growing up and now they are well into their 20s and so I am on the edge about posting photos of them on the internet. Maybe this is the last birthday I will do this kind of thing…

The last photooo is from Lopez Island. Missing that place…

4 Responses to “Liiiv-ing in a material plutonium world and I am a material plutonium girl”

  1. Aimee Nassoiy Says:

    Happy birthday to all of you! Mom dad and firstborn. I love the photos!
    Now that you have a taste of island life I hope that any or all of you will be back to visit!
    ps tell Liz the dahlia row is still producing! R and T might have the last bouquet when they visit this weekend.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Wonderful photos!! Lovely daughter. Maybe we could meet on Lopez some day. 🙂

  3. Tonya Watkins Says:

    It’s funny, I never wanted kids. I did a whole LOT of babysitting and I think that’s the reason I came to that conclusion. I can’t count how many teenage New Years Eves I spent cleaning up my babysitting charges’ vomit. (Why did all these kids get sick on New Years Eve? Who knows?) But approaching 30, my biological clock was poking at me. Adore my kiddo beyond life itself, but I AM glad I only had one. Happy birthday to your oldest kiddo — such great pictures.

  4. Pooh Says:

    Happy Birthday, Liz!

    Aww, you and Karen wrote such sweet birthday tributes to your October children. I hope Dave’s not too jealous. (I also hope that he doesn’t read this.)