Nothing like a loooooonnnng hot RV shower

Some of the folks we hiked with today probably have a shower a bit like this in their “campers”. You know the kind of camper. You can “push” or “bump” out the walls (or whatever) and you pretty much have a fancier outfit than the moomincabin or even The Landfill. Those campers come with faaarplaces and beautiful kitchens and *bathrooms*. Do not get me wrong. I *love* that these fancy outfits exist and I love our friends who own them. Anyone who is willing to walk seven-plus miles *in the rain* deserves to have a hot shower in their camping spot at the end of the day. Like the one I had here at the moomincabin today.

We hiked with the North Country Trail Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter today from Silver Creek to what they are now calling The Shallows. We used to call it something like “the western Naomikong Point parking lot” and those of us who know Sault Ste. Siberia think of a rather different place when somebody mentions “The Shallows”.

Weather predictions were rather dire for our hike today. Rain, rain, and more rain. We did get rain but, as it turned out, we never got truly heavy rain and the light rain that we did get didn’t come to pass until the last couple miles of the hike. So it was a beautiful hike and most of us started out a little cold, which is just how you want to feel when you are starting out a hike because you usually warm up. And I did. And I was even warm when the rain started but then I was in the group of four who reached our destination first and then had to wait for the other five. I got cold waiting for the GG and all the others to arrive.

Eventually they did arrive and we all headed up to collect the drop-off vee-hickles (including the Frog Hopper) and then we hit the Silver Creek Bar/Saloon. Alas, as soon as our orders were taken, the power went out. That was okay with us because we weren’t planning to eat anyway and you can serve a bottle of beer and a glass of merlot without power.

It was very fun but I didn’t totally warm up until I got back here to the moomincabin and took a very long, hot shower. I did not want to get outta that shower. The shower in the photoooo. And it is an RV shower. It probably isn’t as fancy as the showers in the RVs our friends own but it works really well for a summer cabin on Lake Superior (technically the upper St. Mary’s River).

The boyz of noiz (aka, the GG and the Mean Old Grunchie Old Grinchie) are here and dinner is on the way.


2 Responses to “Nothing like a loooooonnnng hot RV shower”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a nice shower! It rained here too, although the temperature was reasonably balmy for this time of year. I got wet on my run, but not super cold.

  2. Sam Says:

    We walked in the rain this day, too, but not quite seven miles (just tried to estimate it, but GoogleEarth controls have changed and, pfff, not in the mood to figure it out). And we showered after. With great pleasure. But the temps weren’t quite as cold in…Versailles!