Glen’s, Frank’s, Clyde’s, and Subway‘s
Because there seems to be no rest for the weary, last night as yer fav-o-rite blahgger was doing the Christmas dishes at the Squatter’s Paradise, she noticed that the kitchen sink was not draining quite properly. This was not a new problem. It was noticed the last time we were up there and much ado was done with liquid drain cleaners et al to try to fix it. And that stuff seemed to have worked for the small bits of dish-washing we did after it. Last night was a little bit different. And so, the GG and Drain Doc Nassoiy spent muuuuucchhh time and kibbitzing trying to figger what was next. The kitchen sink was deemed out of commission (thank you god that it was not something to do with the terlet!). What a way to end an otherwise loverly xmas day.
This morning. I got up at six, packed the food, and was out at Glen’s Market by seven!
Somebody made the comment that I hadn’t been to a grokkery store for two days and needed a fix. I could go on and on about that but to make it short, logistics were tight up in the beautiful yooperland with only one vee-hickle. I needed consumer products for various people and places. The GG needed to pick up a snake or roto-rooter or whatever. And we were meeting the Mean Old Grunchie Old Grinchie at Frank’s for breakfast this morning.
We managed all of that and, despite the empty look to Frank’s, it is a very popular place. 8:00 AM on Boxer Day? A bit early for most people. Maybe they’re all out at Waldemort buying wrapping paper? But not the Sault Ste. Siberian branch of the Moominfam. Because, wouldn’t you know, by the time the beach urchins posed for this looooverly photoooo with their first cuzzint once-removed…
…RB walked in. I think RB eats at Frank’s *every* morning. He is my old coot’s cuzzint and therefore, he is first cuzzint once removed from both me and the Grinch and he is first cuzzint twice removed from the beach urchins. (Note that I did not meet RB* until a couple years ago and I doubt he recognizes me, so I can slide by without any awkward conversations. He recognizes the Grinch but I’m not sure if he knows they are related — or maybe doesn’t believe it — or something — so we didn’t talk to him.)
The GG and The Grinch managed to rent and manhandle the roto-rooter (or whatever the heck it was) in short order (wheew!) and we hit the long and winding road just before noon. By which time various people were starting to feel just a wee bit hungry. I was 99.5% sure that all of the Clyde’s Drive-in locations were closed, including the one in St. Ignace, and I was right. I wish it *had* been open…
After the windiest trip I think I have ever driven over the Mackinac Bridge, we headed on down. We marveled at the number of vee-hickles at the Gaylord Woldemort, we stopped for a few minutes at the Group Home at Houghton Lake, and then the Subway at West Branch. And on down to Dogmomster’s house to pick up the Ninja (thanks Dogmomster for letting us use your driveway). And home.
Good night and be merry!
* RB does not equal Radical Betty.
December 26th, 2011 at 8:32 pm
I use plungers on my sinks when they don’t drain. It usually works, but then I have to clean the sink obsessively! Cute photo of the daughters and cousin. 🙂
December 26th, 2011 at 8:55 pm
Jim has a roto rooter thing a ma jig – very handy for drains. I really enjoyed seeing ya’ll at the Courtois Christmas. Thank you Bill for the two sips of the Manhattan I had – I will enjoy more when I do not have to drive. Liz and Mouse you ladies are beautiful and I love to see you! I’m glad to see you had time to spend w/ the Commander.
December 27th, 2011 at 9:57 am
When I first read “RB”, I was thinking Radical Betty. It would be nice if she were a regular at Frank’s, but highly unusual on this plane of existence! I’m intrigued by RB being an unknown cousin until fairly recently. (The unknown part, not the cousin part) You’ll have to fill me in when we can draw a family tree in the sand.