
Who the heck flipped the climate switch? I think we *may* have reached maayyyybe 59 degrees today. Rain? All day. Just like later in Octember. Or whatever. You know what I mean. I can’t help but think our current weather system was spawned by Irene. The winds are out of the northeast. That is not typical for here. Oh, it isn’t anything like a hurricane here. Just cold rain and wind. But I did not get to do my noon walk today. I did not have a polartech hoodie OR an umbrella with me when I got to work. It’s not even that I don’t have a hoodie at the ready during the summer. I often need one up at the moominbeach or Houghton Lake. And sometimes it’s even chilly early in the morning here on the planet in the summer. But I’m not in the habit of taking a hoodie to work and somehow my work umbrella got moved outta my cube… I’m gonna miss this summer. It was mostly ultra-hot but somehow I [mostly] got acclimated to it — without even turning on the central a/c. It was fun! Just the right mix of people at just the right times.

Bullets? As Stargazer often does…

Either the train that went through town this morning was reeaalllly slow or there were multiple trains because they were blowing their horns constantly this morning. Sometimes this comforts me. Today it did not. Dunno why…

Thud. Chirpety chirpety chirp. I was across the street from a tree when I heard these noises. I tentatively approached the tree. Another thud. And then a bit of squirming on the ground. I knew there was nothing I could do about Mama Bird’s babies, so I reluctantly clomped along. I would like to say that I choked back tears but, truthfully, I just slodged on… With a heavy heart.

And then later, there was an article on about a falcon fledgling that someone shot with a BB gun [or whatever]. It had to be euthanized. Sigh. It is bad enough in the baby bird world, with cats and raptors and things but that’s life. Idjits with BB guns? Yeesh. Me? I can’t believe there are people out there who have so little regard for life that they would actually shoot a baby falcon on purpose. But who knows who the shooter is and where that person came from and I’ll stop now…

And yet…

Apparently, the teenaged boy who drove over a flock of ducklings with his [dad’s?] SUV [or whatever behemoth] earlier this summer is getting 30 days in jail. Lots of controversy over that. Me? I have been known to stop my vee-hickle at major intersections, get out of it and flag other folks down to let ducklings cross. I can’t believe there are people out there who have so little regard for life that they would actually drive over ducklings on purpose. But who knows who he is and where he came from and I’ll stop now…

I won’t even talk about the skunk I see *regularly* at the end of my block in the DARK 0-dark-30 hours of the morning. No, he did not skunk me… This time. Fingers crossed.

One Response to “Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

  1. Margaret Says:

    HA HA bullets, eh? I don’t see them! (do you think I use them too much?) Sometimes I have too many random things to talk about. 🙂 That’s COLD. It’s been in the mid to high 80s here and will continue that way indefinitely. It’s not very conducive to going to school.