The geese are back!

The ponds are still frozen down in Avis Farms park but the geese are back. At least a few of them. I saw a half dozen or so skittering around on the second pond in as I drove to work this morning. Soon enough they will be scouting out their nesting spots and the cycle of Canada goose life will start up all over again. I dunno when The Admiral will be back. He’s my fave great blue heron, if you didn’t know. I think that The Beautiful Susie is holding that good ol’ boy hostage down in FLA. Thanks to the Internet, I know that the seagulls are not back on Round Island. Not yet. Soon, I bet.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. The GG did not go in to work today. I did and so I had no idea where the GG was or what he was doing. And that’s okay. Because honestly, sometimes it is better if I do not know where he is or what he is doing. Thanks to the wondrous Internet, my Cali daughter emailed to tell me that the proprietor of the DamnArbor blahg aka a middle school/high school/theatre guild/college friend of hers had spotted the GG wandering aimlessly around downtown on the planet, wearing his Stormy Kromer hat. Which Stormy Kromer hat, I don’t really know. I think it was one of the tan ones (I can’t tell those apart). What would we do without the Internet?

Despite the fact that huge volumes of snot have streaming out of the GG’s nose all day, he walked downtown and back twice today. Once (apparently) this afternoon and once in the late afternoon/early evening, where we met at the Old Town Barrrrooooom. That’s eight miles total. It is pretty warm today (did I say that already) and there is a beautiful full moon but there are gusty winds and I expect that the temperature will start heading down the escalator again as early as tomorrow. Sure was nice to be able to schlep over to work without a ski jacket and snowboots, at least for a couple days. Both our Northern Correspondent Paulette and The Commander reported whiteout conditions in the Yooperland today. And aurora borealis is supposed to show her colors tonight but I suspect I will be zoned out by then. Sorry but I’m not gonna even try.

And with that, TGIF and goodnight! -Kayak Woman

4 Responses to “The geese are back!”

  1. l4827 Says:

    The aurora borealis is not currently visible, but, Jay Leno is….:-)

    We are off to the protest in Lansing, Tuesday.

  2. Pooh Says:

    Protests in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Madison and Lansing? The cry for reform is spreading from the MidEast to the MidWest, apparently. What’s up in Lansing, since I have yet heard that one on NPR.

  3. l4827 Says:

    Here is a link to the February 22, event in Lansing.

  4. Pooh Says:

    Thanks for the follow-up info, 14827.