A… horse is a horse of course of course…

Lemme seeeeeee…. How do I start this entry? Hmmm…. It’s Thursday and I [often but not always] have a difficult time with Thursdays. I can’t explain it exactly. It’s somehow more difficult to focus than on other days. I’m not sure exactly why. Thursdays seem to be like that whether I am gainfully employed or not. Like last Thursday when I did not go to work but sat around surfing the Internet on my MacBook, iPhone, and iPad (!), most of the day. Blaaahhhhh. In contrast, actually, I was VERY focused at work today. But that left me outta steam for my blahg. So, you get what you get.

This weekend? The GG is on a boondoggle to the Great White North. At least it is whiter than it was last weekend. He has arrived at Houghton Lake (text message) and is enjoying a pasty at the Spikehorn Barrooooom. At some point, he will hook up with his twin brother, the Uncly Uncle (get it?), and they will head north to Sault Ste. Siberia. They will hike with the Hiawatha Shore-to-shore chapter of the North Country Trail Association on Saturday. And they will hang out with The Commander for the weekend.

I did not go with them. I love to hike and x-c ski and The Commander is my moom but I have to work tomorrow. My latest prodject (intentionally misspelled) is huuuuuge and I cannot take time off right now. I will be lucky if I don’t have to put in overtime hours (that I do not get paid for and that is okay because I don’t usually have to work overtime) to get this prodject done. I enjoy Moom Alone time. I will work tomorrow and tink around with The Landfill this weekend and maybe walk down to the Farmer’s Market early on Saturday. And I won’t really be alone, because Mouse will be around when she isn’t working.

Good night,
Kayak Woman

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